Dostępne w sprzedaży w muzealnej księgarni


Polish Migration Review Issue no. 3, 4

an interdisciplinary popular science magazine published by the Emigration Museum in Gdynia

Download no. 3 (1/2018) Download no. 4 (2/2018)

A Book Open To the World

a publication presenting the phenomenon of migration to children, which will also work as a guide around the permanent exhibition of the Emigration Museum in Gdynia

Polish Diaspora in North America

a publication on migration issues and the presence of Poles and their descendants in the United States and Canada in a historical, social, political and cultural context

Spaces of Emigration

a publication depicting the history of the Maritime Station in Gdynia from the time of its creation to the present

Polish Migration Review Issue no. 1, 2

an interdisciplinary popular science magazine published by the Emigration Museum in Gdynia

Download no. 1 (1/2017) Download no. 2 (2/2017)

Emigra – A Symphony With No End

a DVD release with a recording of a multimedia show by composer Jan A.P. Kaczmarek, who, through music, tells of emigration experiences, from the moment the decision to leave is made to the moment when one’s destination is reached